Montag, 12. Januar 2015

#‎comingsoon‬ ‪#‎LESSEBO‬ ‪#‎Papermoodsmagazine‬

Moods – The Magazine – coming soon
Stories of creative work, of visions and their realization
Paper Moods is a print magazine that portraits inspirational people and their artistic work. Interviews, studio visits and editorials document creative processes, we tell personal stories and present stimulating images.
No. 1 – The Fashion Issue
In our first issue we visit six fashion designers, who give us insights into the development of their fashion collection. Paper Moods – The Fashion Issue is printed in Spring 2015.
The partners – Geese and Lessebo
Paper Moods is published by Geese Papier. The Hamburg based company specializes in paper stock for high-end creative print objects, many of which have been awarded with international prizes. Paper Moods is produced in collaboration with the Swedish paper manufacturer Lessebo and is printed on different paper stock from Geese’s assortment.

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