Freitag, 6. Februar 2015

Freu mich schon auf die QVED ...

... besonders diesen Vortrag:

Why magazine thinking is the future of digital media

Kati Krause
Imagine someone publicly claimed today that print magazines were dead. They’d be booed off stage! After all, indie magazines are everywhere—hip cafés, designer fashion shops, hotel lobbies, even pet shops. Yet print magazines are a victim of their own success: They are so successful at brand-building that they're used primarily for branding, and so successful at providing a quiet space that they foster little meaningful conversation. The engagement, meanwhile, is happening online, where magazines exist mainly as sidekicks of their print parents, rarely more than glorified blogs—at a time when both users and business models demand quality, community, and recognisability. Digital media is the present and the future, but it is also often bad. We could make it a lot better if we applied our magazine-making skills to the open web—and this talk will give you some ideas.

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